Integrated Performance Blog

Pitching Mechanical Faults: Stride Length baseball baseball injuries baseball injury baseball performance baseball pitcher baseball pitching pitcher pitching pitching faults pitching mechanics May 04, 2024

What is the main goal as a pitcher? To throw absolute fire, right?! We want to blaze it right past the hitter, don't even let him have a chance to get the bat off his back shoulder. If he does, the ball is already in the catcher's mitt. 

We also want to paint the corners. If for some reason...

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Pitching Mechanical Faults: Lead Leg Block baseball injuries baseball injury baseball performance baseball pitcher baseball pitching mechanical faults pitcher pitching faults pitching mechanics Apr 20, 2024

Pitching requires absolute perfect timing. We want to be able to load the back hip, take a long stride to produce as much force as we can. Transmit that force from our trunks, to our arms, and ultimately into the ball to produce the highest velocity possible. 

In order to have the perfect...

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How to Build a Baseball Return to Throwing Program baseball baseball injury baseball performance in-season pitcher throwing program Dec 16, 2023

There are periods of no throwing throughout the year for every baseball player. Whether is in the off-season for 8 weeks, or you had to stop throwing due to some nagging pain or soreness that you  were experiencing. One thing we do not want to do is go from nothing to full throwing very...

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How Can I Improve My Long Toss? baseball baseball injury baseball performance long toss performance pitcher pitching training Oct 29, 2023


Long toss is an integral part of building arm strength and arm speed. If done correctly, you can get big improvements on your throwing velocity as well. If done incorrectly, you may find yourself with a tired or painful arm at the wrong time and possibly even an baseball injury. 


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Baseball Daily Performance Schedule baseball performance pitcher pitching Oct 17, 2023

In order to perform at our best day-in and day-out, we need to make sure that we are ready to perform at our peak for that day, but also have the next game or outing in mind. In order to do this, we have to balance readiness and development daily.

We can do this by performing activities that get...

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Baseball Off-Season Tips baseball off-season performance pitcher throwing Oct 17, 2023

As the baseball season winds down, knowing how much time to take off from throwing and what to do during this time can be confusing. The MLB Pitch smart guidelines do a great job recommending the right amount of time you should take off throwing based on your age. Those recommendations can...

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Pitcher's Post Game Restoration baseball physical therapy pitcher pitching recovery restoration Oct 14, 2023

Pitching is a violent, high velocity activity. Over the course of a game, a pitcher's tissue quality will decline. After an outing, it is best to restore some of those tissue and movement qualities that may have decreased over the course of the game.

There are 3 key things to target when...

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Pitcher's Readiness: A Pitcher's Warm-Up baseball pitcher pitching readiness warm up Oct 14, 2023

A pitcher wants to make sure their body is fully prepared to step on the mound and throw their first pitch before a start. Pitching not only includes the arm but also the rest of the body.

When planning out a specific warm-up for an individual pitcher, there are 4 main groups of exercises that...

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Pitcher Movement Restoration Series: Ankle Dorsiflexion ankle baseball correctives mobility movement pitcher pitching restoration Oct 12, 2023

Ankle mobility is crucial in pitching to allow you to load into your back hip to produce the most force towards home plate. This allows a pitcher to become more efficient to perform at their best and to be durable. There has also been some evidence that limitations in ankle mobility has been...

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Pitcher Movement Restoration Series: Thorax Rotation baseball correctives movement pitcher pitching restoration velocity Oct 12, 2023

A baseball season can be long and tiring, especially for a pitcher as the innings and pitches begin to add up. If you notice that you are starting to feel a little sluggish and your velocity is starting to drop a little, you may be losing thorax, or upper back, rotation.

Thorax rotation is...

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Pitcher Movement Restoration Series: Shoulder Internal Rotation baseball correctives movement pitcher restoration Oct 12, 2023

Shoulder soreness and pain is something a lot of pitcher's deal with over the course of a season. After an outing, a few movement restrictions may pop up.

One of the common areas of the body that likes to stiffen up after an outing is shoulder internal rotation. If you are experience increased...

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